

Pitting truth against truth

.>.    Authority of God's Word
.>.    Priesthood of all believers

.>.    Protestant History
.>.    Adventist History


.>.    Adventism in Conflict
.>.    Theology in Crisis
.>.    QOD Revisited
.>.    Works in progress





.>.   Can you help to promote
           these principles?

.>.    Contact

What would it take for the principles of balanced faith to be implemented within Adventism? What would it take in order for a true "priesthood of believers" for be formed? This is an open question. Perhaps you have an idea.

Certainly, anyone who understands and accepts these principles can live by them in their dealings with those from "the other side of the isle". We can also share these principles in public and in private. Perhaps these concepts can be presented during a Sabbath afternoon forum.

But is there yet something more that could be done? How can brothers and sisters who emphasize different poles of truth come together in a trusting relationship as they together seek to understand truth as it is in Christ as revealed within the word of God? Perhaps ongoing groups representing differing poles could meet and study together. Perhaps retreats could be conducted for this purpose.

If you have a idea as to what could be done, please contact Dr. Moore.